Monday, September 7, 2009

"I am the tortoise!"

An update from an elusive member of the Paris Twelve...

"Let the games begin...

No I do not mean the Notre Dame football season(here's an apprehensive "Go Irish!!"). By games I refer to the fact-yes, fact- that the long-procrastinating, sloth-like, ever elusive Brian J. Duffy has begun training for the 2010 Paris Marathon(and beyond, more on that later)!! On Thursday, under the cover of darkness on an unlit Springfield Township Middle School track, I ran more than the distance between my seat at the Eagles games and the men's room for the first time in more that 10 years. Given the current shape of my body and the various aches and pains I had going in, I knew I would have to start out slowly, and that I did, more slowly than I once thought possible. The pre-run stretch was an early indicator. Never very flexible in my running days 20 years ago, I can only guess how laughable I must have looked straining to reach mid calf when trying to touch my toes. When I got to the track, I briefly thought back to my half-miler days, and all of the track "work" I used to do with relative ease. Back when I was 185 and lean, I could circle that track two times in almost two minutes. Twenty-five years later, I was reduced to a shuffle. I shuffled around once, twice, three times, then decided to walk a bit-a half lap- then began again. Another two laps, and walk, another lap, and.... It was time to stop. I suddenly realized that I was alone in the dark after 10 o'clock, not sure if I had told my wife where I was going or what to do if I was not back in an hour. It was not the heavy track work I used to be able to do, the 10x four hundred meter sprint training days from way back when, but I knew it was safely enough for the first time in a long time.

Friday, I met with Bob Bair down at Riddle. The numbers paint an ugly picture, which only means there is much to improve on. I am now a 42 year old male, 75 and one quarter inches, 271 pounds(oh, my!). My standing heart rate is good, blood pressure is good(thanks mom and dad), VO2Max is fair, flexibility is average(i can't believe that), and my bench press was good. My body fat was 25%, and Bob explained I should be down to 10% when I get in marathon shape(can't we do something about that right away?). My lean body mass was 2.9, when I should get to 5.1. Is this all TMI? The most important thing I learned with Bob was the caloric intake data he provided based on all of my body data. I hope to team this take-away up with what the nutritionist can provide to begin a more healthy and regimented diet program. The body was not designed to transport 270 for 26, that much I know.

Today, Saturday, I ran my second run on the boardwalk in OC. Was able to get in two miles without stopping, but it was a slow two miles. Hermit crabs were sliding across the boards faster than I was. And the boards didn't appear to be jumping up and tripping them the way they were for me. Shuffling, I am afraid, leads to face plants. Didn't quite stumble that badly, but almost. Women running with jogging strollers were blowing by and soon disappearing on the horizon. I suspect this will be the first of many humbling experiences over the next eight months. But it is a start.

I am thinking about getting a t-shirt that says, "I am the tortoise!"

Look forward to seeing you all next week.

Duff(Brian, but everybody calls me Duff)"

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